Pounds to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today [GBP to NGN]

How Much is Pounds to Naira Official Exchange Rate Today?

The pound to naira (GBP/NGA) exchange rate today is 758 at black market rate. As of yesterday, the pound to naira exchange rate was 740.

Are you searching for the latest exchange rates for pounds to naira?

This is the rate of today’s GBP to Naira. For the exchange rate from pounds to naira, see CBN & Black Market Exchange Rate. You can exchange your pounds for naira at this rate or at the current black market or parallel exchange rate.

What is Pound to Naira Exchange Rate?

What is Pound to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate?

The pound to naira black market exchange rate today is 758 NGN to 1 GBP.

This is because Parallel exchange rate (black market) exchange rate usually varies from CBN rate. Currently, Naira is trading at N750 per £1 (Naira Per Pound). The Nigerian Economy is drastically affected by the Pounds to Naira exchange rate.

When using your Nigerian bank-issued Naira Mastercard or Debit card to make a purchase on a foreign website, you use the bank rate for pounds to Nigerian naira. These prices are often always less expensive than those found on the parallel or black market.

Pounds to Naira Black Market Rate Today

Pound to Naira (GBP to NGN)Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate750
Selling Rate758

How to Calculate Pound to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate

If you want to know the Pound to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate today, just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Find the GBP to NGN exchange rate on any financial institution website or platform, and compare with the current black market rate.

Step 2: Multiply the amount of pound by the exchange rate; say £1 x 758 (£ multiply by exchange rate.)

Step 3: Compare that figure with the official exchange rate to get an approximation of what the pound will be worth in Nigerian naira.

British Pounds to Naira Black Market Exchange Rates [UK pound]

The latest exchange rates for the pound to Nigerian naira black market today stand at:

1 British pound = 758 naira

Latest Pound Sterling to Naira Black Market Exchange Rates in NGN [Nigerian naira]

The Pound to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate today is 758 Nigerian naira per pound.

Pounds to Naira CBN Exchange Rate

As of today, the exchange rate of pounds to naira black market is different from the CBN exchange rate and other commercial banks.

The CBN exchange rate is the rate at which you can sell or purchase pounds for naira on the official portal of the Central Bank of Nigeria www.cbn.gov.ng. The black market exchange rate for pounds is always higher than the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) exchange rate.

CurrencySell / Buy RateChangeDate
GBP₦ 751.5325 / 750.27770.01%01/08/2022

Pounds to Naira at FX Market Exchange Rate

GBP₦ 758.180.13%01/08/2022

Conclusively, This article has been able to answer different search queries of which are not limited to the below;

  • Pound to Naira Aboki FX
  • Pound to Naira today
  • Pound to Naira black market today
  • Pound sterling to Naira today parallel market
  • Pound to Naira bank rate today

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