Richest Presidents in Africa 2023: Top 10 Wealthiest

Have you been searching for the top 10 richest presidents in Africa 2023? If yes, you are on the right blog post about the top 10 richest presidents in Africa 2023.

Africa has had some very rich presidents and other political leaders, who have used their position to amass large sums of wealth. Corruption exists worldwide, and it affects leaders from all backgrounds.

The richest president in Africa is Mohammed VI with an estimated net worth of about $2.5 billion. It should also come as no surprise that accusations of find embezzlement go back and forth between African presidents when such claims are made.

Have you been searching for the richest presidents in Africa 2023? If yes, you are on the right blog post about the top 10 richest presidents in Africa 2023

Top 10 Richest President In Africa 2023

Here are the lists of the top 10 richest presidents in Africa 2023.

1. Mohammed VI of Morocco – (Net Worth: $2.5 billion)

Mohammed VI, also known as “The King of the Poor,” is the current King of Morocco. He ascended to the throne in 1999 after the death of his father, King Hassan II. Before becoming King, Mohammed VI was an international businessman with various investments in the agricultural, banking, and real estate industries. 

He is currently worth an estimated $2.5 billion, making him one of the richest people in Africa. Mohammed VI has invested a significant amount of his wealth in improving the lives of his people, especially in the areas of health, education, and infrastructure.

2. President Ali Bongo Ondimba – (Net worth: $1 billion)

Ali Bongo Ondimba is the President of Gabon, a small country in Central Africa. He is the son of Omar Bongo, who served as President of Gabon for over 40 years. Ali Bongo took office in 2009 and has since been re-elected twice. 

His estimated net worth is $1 billion, which is mainly derived from Gabon’s oil reserves. Despite this, Gabon remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with a high poverty rate and low life expectancy. 

Ali Bongo has implemented various programs to address these issues, including an anti-corruption campaign and a national health insurance plan.

3. Uhuru Kenyatta – (Net worth: $500 million)

Uhuru Kenyatta is the President of Kenya, a country in East Africa. He is the son of Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya’s first President. Uhuru Kenyatta has a net worth of $500 million, which he amassed through various business ventures before entering politics. 

He was elected President in 2013 and has since implemented various economic and social programs, such as universal healthcare and increased funding for education. However, his presidency has been marred by accusations of corruption and human rights abuses.

4. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo – (Net worth: $600 million)

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is the President of Equatorial Guinea, a small country in Central Africa. He has been in power since 1979 and is known for his authoritarian rule and human rights abuses. 

Despite this, he has a net worth of $600 million, which is mainly derived from the country’s oil reserves. 

Equatorial Guinea is one of the richest countries in Africa in terms of per capita income, but the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small elite, including President Obiang and his family.

5. Paul Kagame – (Net worth: $500 million)

Paul Kagame is the President of Rwanda, a country in East Africa. He came to power in 2000 after leading the Rwandan Patriotic Front to victory in the Rwandan Civil War. Paul Kagame has a net worth of $500 million, which he amassed through various business ventures before entering politics. 

Under his leadership, Rwanda has made significant progress in areas such as healthcare, education, and technology. However, his government has also been accused of human rights abuses and political repression.

6. King Mswati III – (Net worth: $200 million)

King Mswati III is the King of Eswatini, a small country in Southern Africa. He ascended to the throne in 1986, making him one of the longest-reigning monarchs in the world. King Mswati III has a net worth of $200 million, which is largely derived from investments in the sugar and timber industries.

Eswatini has a high poverty rate, and many of its citizens lack access to basic services such as healthcare and education. King Mswati III has been criticized for his lavish spending, including his multiple wives and their extravagant lifestyles.

7. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa – (Net worth: $450 million)

Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa is the President of South Africa, the most developed country in Africa. He is a former trade unionist and businessman who played a key role in the anti-apartheid movement.

Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa has a net worth of $450 million, which he amassed through various business ventures before entering politics. Under his leadership, South Africa has made significant progress in areas such as infrastructure development and job creation. However, the country still faces challenges such as high unemployment and inequality.

8. Paul Biya – (Net worth: $200 million)

Paul Biya is the President of Cameroon, a country in Central Africa. He has been in power since 1982 and is known for his authoritarian rule and human rights abuses. 

Paul Biya has a net worth of $200 million, which is mainly derived from the country’s oil reserves. Cameroon is one of the poorest countries in Africa, with a high poverty rate and low life expectancy. Paul Biya has been criticized for his lavish spending, including his multiple trips abroad and his luxurious lifestyle.

9. President Isaias Afwerki – (Net worth: $100 million)

President Isaias Afwerki is the President of Eritrea, a small country in East Africa. He has been in power since 1993, when Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia. 

President Isaias Afwerki has a net worth of $100 million, which is mainly derived from investments in the construction and mining industries. Eritrea is one of the poorest countries in Africa, with a high poverty rate and low human development indicators. 

He has been criticized for his authoritarian rule and human rights abuses, including the conscription of citizens into the military for indefinite periods.

10. President Joseph Kabila – (Net worth: $15 billion)

President Joseph Kabila is the former President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country in Central Africa. He was in power from 2001 to 2019, and his tenure was marked by political instability, conflict, and human rights abuses. 

President Joseph Kabila has a net worth of $15 billion, making him the richest President in Africa. However, his wealth is largely derived from illicit activities such as corruption, illegal mining, and exploitation of natural resources.

The vast majority of the Congolese people live in poverty, and the country ranks among the lowest in the world in terms of human development indicators.


The wealth of these African leaders reflects the disparities that exist on the continent, where a small elite has access to vast resources while the majority of the population struggles to meet basic needs. It is important to hold these leaders accountable for their wealth and to ensure that it is used to benefit their people rather than enriching themselves and their families.

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