How To Make ₦5000 Naira Daily In Nigeria 2023

Five thousand naira does not seem much to most of us. But do you know that if you earn five thousand naira daily, that is N150,000 per month and almost N2 million in a year?

Is that not wonderful? Is it possible for me to make 5,000 naira daily in the Nigeria of today? Yes, it is. And, I will be showing you how.

Before I go listing out the ways, you must bear in mind, that you need to be hardworking and persistent. Without this, you can’t build a fortune from your daily work.

And, if you minimize these two principles, you will be able to make 5,000 naira daily and even much higher.

How to make 5000 Naira daily in Nigeria

  1. Pure water/bottled water business

If you are living in an urban or busy town like Lagos, Kano, Abuja, or Port Harcourt, you will surely make money in this business.

The simple trick of pure water business most people don’t know is that it gives you a 100% of what you invest in it. For example, if you start a pure water business with N5,000, your profit will be N5,000.

  1. Noodles fast food outlet

This is a business that requires very little to start and you will be able to make 5, 000 daily or even higher. You can start it at an open space outside, or in your house or a small kiosk outside.

If you are very good at preparing noodles with supplements like carrots, peas, eggs, hot dogs and the rest, be rest assured that in a year, you will have enough money to buy a car.

Noodles are one thing people love and will be willing to patronize you daily as long you are good at it.

  1. Liquid soap production

If you are talking about a business that is very fast to learn, that sells fast and in which you will be able to make 5,000 daily and more.

You are talking about liquid soap production. Liquid soap materials are very cheap to buy, and you can never run out of customers. For it is something all homes use.

  1. London used cloths (Okreka)

About 60 % of Nigerians wear Okreka. It is just that some are first-class Okreka, so you won’t know.

Even most of our boutiques sell Okreka. But you won’t know. They will wash and iron it and package it decently.

A bell of Okreka goes for N10,000 and you can start with half a bell. And the good thing about this business is that you don’t need a shop, you can start in an open place. The good time to sell Okreka is in the evening (4:30-7 pm). And, on weekends.

Others include:

  1. Freelancing

This is one of the easiest ways to make 5,000 daily online. Freelancing is a very good business if you have a skill.

The good thing about freelancing is that you don’t need much to start. You just have to have a skill, your mobile phone and good network connection, then you are good to go.

The following skills can be used in freelancing to make 5,000 daily and more

  • Writing (content writing, article writing, blog writing, ghostwriting, etc.)
  • Graphic design
  • Web design
  • UI and UX design
  • Voiceovers
  • Translation and Transcription.

And the good thing is that you don’t need a certificate to do freelancing.

  1. Transport services

The transport business is one underrated business in Nigeria. Most regard it as a dirty job since you must drive people around.

However, most drivers in the transport business make more money than those in white-collar jobs.

You can register as a driver in a conventional park or as a bolt. Either way, you wouldn’t only make 5,000 naira daily but up to N10,000 to N15,000.


In this present world, you can’t be poor except you decide to be poor.

The above information is something we know or have come across but lacks the relevance of it.

Now, that you have known the relevance and understood how you can build a fortune gradually. It is time for you to take an action by choosing any and mastering it.

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