How to Start GOAT Farming Business in Nigeria (Things to Know)

How to start goat farming business in Nigeria – Goat farming, also known as Caprine farming, is an agribusiness practice that involves raising goats for meat, milk, and other purposes. It is an important economic activity in Nigeria due to the high demand for goat products such as meat, milk, and skin. Goat farming is a profitable venture, and with the right knowledge, tools, and resources, it can be a rewarding business.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to start goat farming business in Nigeria, covering the profitability of the business, the benefits of goat farming, the types of goats to rear, the requirements for starting goat farming, the pros and cons of goat farming.

Is Goat Farming Profitable?

Profitability is an essential factor in any business, and goat farming is no exception. Goat farming is a profitable business because it requires low capital investment, has a high rate of return on investment, and goats have a high reproductive rate. In Nigeria, goat farming is a lucrative business due to the high demand for goat products such as meat, milk, and skin. With a market that is always available, goat farming is a guaranteed source of income.

However, profitability in goat farming depends on various factors such as the cost of inputs, the selling price of goat products, and the availability of market. The cost of inputs such as feeds, vaccines, and shelter can affect profitability. The selling price of goat products is also a significant factor, and it is essential to find a market that offers a fair price for goat products.

The prices of the goats in these regions like Sokoto, Zamfara, Kebbi, Niger, Kaduna, Kano, Bauchi, and Yola states ranges from ₦7,000 and can be up to ₦15,000. The case is different in southern states and cities like Lagos, Onitsha, Ibadan, and Port Harcourt.

Why You Should Start Goat Farming

Goat farming is an essential economic activity in Nigeria. It provides a source of income and employment for millions of Nigerians. Goat farming is a sustainable business because goats have a high reproductive rate, and their products have a high demand in the market. The benefits of goat farming include:

  • High rate of return on investment: Goat farming has a high rate of return on investment due to the low cost of inputs and the high demand for goat products.
  • Source of income and employment: Goat farming provides a source of income and employment for millions of Nigerians.
  • Diversification of income: Goat farming can be an excellent way to diversify income and reduce financial risks.
  • Sustainable business: Goats have a high reproductive rate, and their products have a high demand in the market, making goat farming a sustainable business.

What Type of Goat You Should Rear in Nigeria

There are several types of goats in Nigeria, each with its unique characteristics and advantages. Some of the common types of goats in Nigeria include the West African Dwarf Goat, Sokoto Red Goat, Sahelian Goat, and Boer Goat.

When selecting the type of goat to rear, it is essential to consider factors such as the purpose of rearing the goats, the market demand, and the availability of resources. The West African Dwarf Goat is suitable for meat and milk production and is easy to rear, while the Sahelian Goat is best for meat production due to its high meat yield. The Boer Goat is also suitable for meat production and has a high demand in the market.

How to Start Goat Farming in Nigeria

Starting goat farming in Nigeria requires proper planning, knowledge, and resources. Here are some steps to follow when starting goat farming in Nigeria:

1. Conduct research

Research the market demand for goat products, the cost of inputs, and the requirements for starting goat farming in Nigeria.

Before starting any business, it is essential to conduct market research to understand the demand, competition, and potential profitability of the market. Also, Select a breed of goats that is suitable for your location, climate, and market demand.

2. Develop a business plan

Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines the objectives, goals, financial projections, marketing strategies, and operational procedures for the goat farming business.

3. Acquire land

Acquire a suitable piece of land for the goat farming business. The land should be spacious enough to accommodate the goats, have good drainage, and be in a suitable location.

4. Construct a Shelter

Construct a suitable shelter for the goats. The shelter should be well-ventilated, provide adequate protection from the sun, rain, and wind, and be easy to clean.

5. Purchase Goats

Purchase healthy goats from a reputable breeder. The goats should be of the desired breed and age and have all the necessary vaccinations.

6. Provide adequate nutrition

Provide the goats with a balanced diet that includes grass, hay, and concentrates such as maize and soya bean. Ensure that the goats have access to clean water at all times.

7. Maintain good hygiene

Ensure that the goats’ living space is clean, well-ventilated, and free from pests and diseases. Regularly clean the shelter, feeding and watering troughs, and provide regular veterinary checkups for the goats.

Cons of Starting Goat Farming

Starting goat farming in Nigeria comes with some potential challenges, including:

  • Disease outbreaks: Goats are susceptible to diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and foot-and-mouth disease, which can cause significant losses in the business.
  • High mortality rate: Goats have a high mortality rate, especially during the kidding season, which can lead to losses.
  • Market fluctuations: The market demand for goat products is subject to fluctuations, which can affect profitability.
  • High maintenance costs: The cost of maintaining the goats can be high due to the cost of inputs such as feeds, vaccines, and veterinary services.

Pros of Goat Farming

Despite the challenges, goat farming in Nigeria has several advantages, including:

  • High reproductive rate: Goats have a high reproductive rate, with females capable of producing multiple kids every year, which can increase the herd size and the business’s profitability.
  • High demand for goat products: There is a high demand for goat products such as meat, milk, and skin in Nigeria, providing a ready market for the business.
  • Low capital investment: Goat farming requires low capital investment, making it accessible to small-scale farmers.
  • Source of employment: Goat farming provides employment opportunities, especially for women and youth.


Goat farming is a profitable and sustainable business in Nigeria, providing a source of income, employment, and diversification of income.

To start goat farming in Nigeria, it is essential to conduct research, develop a business plan, acquire land, construct a suitable shelter, purchase healthy goats, provide adequate nutrition, maintain good hygiene, and be aware of the potential challenges and advantages of the business. With the right knowledge, tools, and resources, goat farming can be a rewarding business in Nigeria.

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