5 Ticking Risk Potentials Of Electric Vehicles That You Never Thought Of

The Truth About Electric Vehicles

The evolution of electric vehicles into passenger transport is steadily growing and in the distant future, will be just as everywhere as our magnificent buildings. Its internal combustion engine vehicles(ICEVs) will have to watch as this unexpected growth in production and consumption continues. 

Not to say that this will happen so fast. However, the introduction of Electric Vehicle production by top vehicle manufacturers including Chevrolet, Renault, Nissan, BMW, and the rest. This clearly shows that the future is electric!

A 2020 Long-term Electric Vehicle Outlook report by Bloomberg NEF(BNEF) suggests that by 2040, Electric Vehicles will make up 58% of the global passenger vehicle production.

In the report, BNEF outlines that electric vehicles (Electric Vehicles) will hit 10% of global passenger vehicle sales in 2025. And with that number rising to 28% in 2030 and 58% in 2040. According to the study, Electric Vehicles currently make up 3% of global car sales — As uploaded by PV Magazine.

Comparing Battery Cars To Electric Cars.

Electric Vehicles

The battery-powered car is merely known to have a minimal cost of maintenance, and no gas emission. Unlike the internal combustion vehicles that run on an expensive gasoline and also tend to release toxic gas during operation. 

Tim Sylvia, writing for technology-centric PV Magazine, added: “Beyond just new sales, Electric Vehicles are predicted to represent 31% of all cars on the road in 2040.

Thereby, making up 67% of municipal buses, 47% of two-wheeled vehicles (scooters, mopeds, motorcycles and so on) and 24% of light commercial vehicles.

Compare this to 2020, where Electric Vehicles make up 33% of municipal buses, 30% of two-wheeled vehicles and 2% of light commercial vehicles. ” 

The foregoing advantages and expectations of Electric Vehicles are just a few of many more.

Although, it is not as smooth as we think, especially when we consider how it affects the environment in the production stage of the vehicle. 

While the emission rate of electric vehicles is nothing compared to the massive damage ICEVs do to the atmosphere, the environmental hazards created where they are produced, pose more harm than ICEVs. 

A research finding published by Arthur D. Little in 2016 made a report on the environmental impact caused by the manufacture of electric vehicles.

…the usage of heavy metals in the manufacture of lithium-ion battery packs for BEVs combined with pollution generated by the US power grid (e.g. tailings from coal power plants) for the In-Use portion of a BEVs lifecycle generate approximately three times the amount of human toxicity compared to ICEVs.

Given the divergence in where environmental impacts are allocated, it is safe to say that a consumer who chooses to drive a BEV over an ICEV shifts the environmental impact of car ownership.

Arthur Little also provided a graph showing “Days of life impact(death or disability) for a 2015 compact passenger ICEV versus an equivalent BEV(Battery Electric Vehicle) over 20 years of ownership.” 

The near-accurate statistics given above simply explains just one of a countable number of negative impacts the manufacture of electric cars would have on the environment. In a later article, we would be outlining other adverse effects it causes — not just on the climate but in other aspects including ‘sustainability, which Arthur D. claims will be a major determinant in buying Electric Vehicles or ICEVs for a consumer who is wary of it. 

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