Cassava Farming In Nigeria: Step By Step Guide To Making Millions

cassava Farming Nigeria
cassava Farming Nigeria

Cassava cultivation in Nigeria has grown exponentially throughout the years due to the growing use of cassava products, not just like food items (garri fufu, amala bread Abacha) however, we also extract the following products from cassava: glucose, alcohol, animal feed, solvents fertilizer, and so on.

It is cultivated in any county that has enough sunshine and adequate rainfall. Nigeria is so loved by nature, and, consequently, due to its vantage location, it is among the top producers of cassava cultivation in Africa.

24 of 36 states of Nigeria produce cassava for commercial use and household consumption. Most states in Nigeria produce cassava in the southwest, like Anambra, Delta, Edo, Abia, Enugu Imo, and more. Cassava farming is among the most straightforward tasks farmers can accomplish since it is as simple as burying the stems in soil, no matter if you make the ridges or not. And in less than six months, you’re already harvesting.

Cassava is a crucial food product in Nigeria, also has some health benefits as well. This could be one reason that its amount has risen dramatically over the last 50 years.

Steps to start a cassava farming business

These are the steps that anyone could follow to begin an enterprise of farming cassava.

1. Choose your preferred site

It is crucial due to the different soil that can support different varieties of cassava. If feasible, conduct a feasibility study, specifically for commercial farming of cassava that is primarily to identify the following:

  • The soil’s condition is ideal for the kind of cassava that you wish to cultivate
  • How much sunlight and rain is in the region.
  • Its topography is a feature of the land.
  • Examine the land for good soil texture
  • Look for any vegetation that is growing around the property.
  • Verify if the soil is susceptible to pest infestation.

2. Make sure the soil is more suitable for the cultivation of cassava.

This can be achieved in these methods:

  • The application of fertilizers
  • The use of manure
  • The process of making the ridges
  • The application of irrigation is required if there is not enough rainfall
  • Get ready to plant two plants on the ridges to take two birds out of one stone.

3. Cassava stems can be used for plant

Not every soil is suitable for all kinds of stems from cassava. It’s helpful to consider the following aspects before selecting the right cassava stems for utilize.

  • Stems that make good quality food.
  • Cassava is produced by stems in the shortest amount of time.
  • The stem may create cassava that lasts for quite a while.
  • The stem yields cassava, which is resistant to insects
  • The stems are suitable for the soil
  • Stems that are overgrowing and are healthy

It would help if you generally looked out for the following cassava stems from seeing their rapid growth and abundant yield. TMS 3072, TMS (2) 1425,TMS 92/0326 and a different varieties.

4. Preparation for cultivation

It is essential to apply herbicide(an agent used to stop or slow down the growth of plants) at least ten days before the land is prepared. The planting of ridges is advised, and the expense should be determined if it is more cost-effective to use mechanized planting methods instead of manual work. When preparing the land, it is suggested to use a sufficient amount of quicklime.

5. Choose the best time to plant the cuttings of the cassava stem in the springtime

The typical planting time starts in April and lasts until September and October. Plant the cassava stems along ridges about 40cm in width and 40-60 cm in height for one row. This aids in the maintenance of the plant. Additionally, I suggest that fertilizer be applied 8-10 months after you have planted the stems of cassava.

It is essential to weed out the grass that grows along the cassava stem whenever appropriate to assist the cassava stems from developing healthily.

6. Harvesting

The cassava’s indicator is ready to harvest when leaves change in color and then fall on the stem. The initial step in the harvesting process is to remove all the plant’s stems and prepare them to be sold or used to plant in the following season. One of the benefits of cultivating cassava is using the leaves in the plant and not the roots instead of maize, beans, yam groundnut, maize, etc. It will be helpful to make the roots and offer them for sale and further processing.

7. Processing cassava roots

The following can be made using the roots of cassava. It’s all dependent on the location you wish to earn money. The following are the options you can select from:

  • Garri processing is a lucrative enterprise in Nigeria. Many households in the east middle belt, west, and even a portion of the north eat garlic every day. It involves cooking the fermented cassava and separating it from the chaff once the water inside has dried out.
  • Production of Fufu Here, you place the roots of the cassava plant in a pot filled with water and then allow for four days during which the roots have fermented. The cassava root that has fermented is then separated from the chaff by using the sieve. It is ready to be used in cooking.

Additionally, you can treat starch Abacha amala as well as cassava flour.

It is essential to be aware of diseases that could attack your cassava crops at any moment before harvesting. They include root decay disease (which causes the roots of cassava to degrade) and mosaic and anthracnose diseases.

8. Budget

The necessity of having budgets cannot be overemphasized. It will give you a clear overview of the total cost for the planting of the cassava and harvesting of the cassava harvests, as well as the possible earnings you could make.

Cassava Farming Nigeria
Cassava Farming Nigeria

Cost for setting up Set up Cassava Farming:                  N

Renting 1-acre land for                                                    50,000

Land preparation for                                                        3000

Cassava stems are used to make bundles of 100, 30,000

Planting of cassava to                                                      8,000

Fertilizer 10 bags                                                              25,000

Application of fertilizer Application of fertilizer

Herbicides/application                                                  9,000

The grass is weeded                                                         15,000

Insecticide application                                                   4,000

Total                                                                                     176,000

This budget is merely concerned with the costs of preparing, planting, nurturing, and harvesting cassava. This budget is only a guide as the cost of farming equipment, including labor, fluctuates. This time, I did not include the cost of the land, but rather, I added the rental of the land. Other expenses I’ve left out because of lack of information include boom sprayers, harvesters, and tractors.

Watch Guide To Starting Cassava Farming In Nigeria | Video


Cassava harvesting and planting require a bit of time to take place, and the keyword for the season is “patience.” It needs lots of coordination and careful managing resources and executing tasks when they are needed. But, a decent amount of profits are often realized. The commercial cultivation of cassava is worth the effort.

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