Euro to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today [EUR to Naira]

This is Euro to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate as of Today 2022 | EUR to Naira.

Today’s exchange rate for the euro to the Nigerian naira is €1.00 to N697.00 at black market rate.

Since the beginning of January 2022, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Euro to Naira exchange rate had averagely remained at ₦455 per EUR 1.

Euro to Naira Black Market Rate Today

Euro to Naira (EUR to NGN)Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Selling Rate682
Buying Rate697
Euro to Naira (EUR to NGN)CBN Official Exchange Rate Today
Selling Rate456
Buying Rate455
Euro to Naira (EUR to NGN)Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate682
Selling Rate697

How much is the EURO to Naira Exchange Rate

How much is the Euro to Naira Exchange rate at the black markets today, 1st August 2022?

Today’s exchange rate for the euro to the Nigerian naira is €1.00 to N697.00 at black market rate.

Euro To Naira Bank Rate Today: 1 Euro equals = N455 Nigerian Naira.

Exchange Rates:

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