Everything you need to know about BabyCake token, will it make us rich in 2023


What is BabyCake Token?

BabyCake Token is the first cake reflection token.

BabyCake TOken
BabyCake TOken

The BabyCake token team has proposed an innovative feature in the token contract: the DIVIDEND YIELD from holding and staking BabyCake token will be PAID IN CAKE With the embedded auto-claim feature to enable dividends to be paid to the users and in the form of Cake.

The Team involved in developing the BabyCake token assures that the BabyCake would receive the CAKE token just for holding the BabyCake pass; the CAKE token rewarded to users would be sent automatically to users’ wallets. This reward of the CAKE token happens whenever any transaction occurs with the BabyCAke token.

BabyCake’s token price at the time of writing was USD 0.000834 with a trading volume of over USD 22,256,539 in the last 24 hours; the cost of BabyCake went up to a whopping 179.08% in the past 24 hours of trading, according to data gathered from coinmarketcap.com.

The BabyCake token is ranked #2562 currently in the CoinMarketCap ranking. BabyCake ticket has a maximum supply of 100,000,000,000 BABYCAKE tokens and a fully diluted market Cap $75,618,109.40.

BABYCAKE token has been touted as the next significant evolution of yield-generating contracts on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) as BabyCake pass is built on BSC just like PancakeSwap ensures that users and holders, especially of the BabyCakr token, get rewarded with CAKE instead of BabyCake tokens.

This mechanism of yield generation in the contract of BabyCake token incentivizes token holders to keep holding their tickets to earn dividends from the transactions carried out in the passes. These transactions include buys and sell.

Redistribution of tokens is in line with percentage (in the contract), token balance, and the number of ticket holders at the time.

The BabyCake token contract uses a static system of rewards where 15% of every transaction is split in three: CAKE redistribution 7% + Liquidity pool 3%/+ allocated to Marketing 5%.

The 7% Redistribution in CAKE is used to reward holders of a minimum of 200,000 tokens; this 7% comes from every buy/sell, which is taken and then redistributed to these token holders. These holders do not need to claim these rewards in CAKE as they are sent to their wallets automatically every 60 minutes.

The BabyCake token also has a Liquidity pool which is provided by the Binance bright chain. This also accounts for another distribution, the BNB Smart distribution; the token Team has assured that holders of the token would not need to buy tickets to receive their rewards to their wallets. This is the first of its kind.

The BabyCake token team ensured a 3% liquidity pool to run the liquidity provisions of the token; the 3% liquidity pool implies that 3% of every transaction performed will be converted into liquidity for Pancakeswap. This conversion into liquidity is done in an automatic process. The transformation into liquidity helps create and maintain a price floor for the token, which accounts for stability in the ticket price fluctuations.

The BabyCake token dev team built an Anti-Swing feature into the smart contract, which means that an extra 1% fee is applied to all sell orders. This will allow the Team to reduce or totally avoid swing-trading; it is intended to also break whales’ control on the BabyCake token. 

BabyCake token has a Total sell fee of 16% built into it with a breakdown of the sell fee distribution given thus: CAKE redistribution would take 7% of the costs, Liquidity pool would take 3% of the fee, and Marketing/Buyback would take the remaining 5% of the expenses.

Secured By Design: 

The BabyCake token was secured by design with the Initial Liquidity Provided, and the Team was given 5% of the tickets, which would be locked for more than 6 months with DXSALE.

Marketing Fees: 

The BabyCake token was designed that 5% of every transaction done is allocated to Marketing campaigns in CAKE (this allocation is swapped to CAKE in real-time to avoid dumps resulting from sells offs). 

Hence the dev teams can push for the most ambitious projects and accordingly reward daily its active community.

Smart distribution mechanism: 

The dev team of the BabyCake token built the contract to keep track of an array of all token holders. 

The token contract was built to keep an index into the array for processing. In addition, the BabyCake token is built on a Dividend-Paying model Token Standard; this implies that all CAKE gained by the token contract will be shared equally and proportionally to the token holders. 

BabyCake Token Statistics 

Baby Cake Price $0.0007269

Price Change in the past 24 hours $0.0003926 and increase of 117.42 %,

in the one-time 24hours price low / 24hour price high, has $0.0001684 /$0.0009874.

Trading Volume in the past 24hours was $22,680,330.15

The token has a Fully Diluted Market Cap of $75,618,109.40

BabyCake Markets (Where you can Buy BabyCake)

BabyCake token is traded on just 2 exchanges at the moment, and this number is set to increase over time; babycakes token is traded under this symbol tickers as listed below; 

PancakeSwap (V2) – BabyCakeWBNB

PancakeSwap (V2) – BabyCake/BUSD

ZT – BabyCake/USDT 

99.80% of BabyCake is traded on the pancakSwap under the ticker BabyCake/WBNB with a trading volume of over $23 million. The next one is the 0.22% of BabyCake is traded still on PancakeSwap under the ticker of BABYCAKE/BUSD with a trading volume of over $52 million. The remaining BabyCake token is traded on the ZT exchange. 

Transaction Fees

All the Buy & Sell of the token is Taxed at a 15% rate. 7% is used to buy CAKE which is paid out automatically in dividends to token holders.

5% is shared between the team/marketing fund and the buyback mechanism. The marketing Fund, which is 1.5%, would be used in extreme circumstances to correct market volatility.

100% of the Liquidity is Locked for one gear period. And the token has a Total Supply of 100 000 000 000BanyCake tokens.

BabyCake Token Ecosystem 

The BanyCake token has a 7% Redistribution In CAKE

This implies that 7% of every buy/sell is taken and redistributed to all holders of a minimum of 200,000BabyCake tokens.

The Earned tokens are Paid automatically to holders every 60 minutes 

This is the first-ever user who does not have to claim their earned Cake tokens, but the tickets would automatically be sent to their wallets.

The BabyCake token Has An Anti-Dump & 1% Sell Fee Built In

The contract of the BabyCake receipt is built to ensure that sell orders are restricted to less than 0.1% of the total supply, and an extra 1% fee is applied to all sales of a large number of tokens. This anti-dump measure is to ensure a reduction in swing-trading and break whales’ control tokens.

The BabyCake Token Is Secured By Design

The Initial Liquidity Provided for the token will be locked for over 6 months with DXSALE. Additionally, the BabyCake token contract is currently being audited by HASHEX & CertiK.

Massive Marketing Plan Of The Token

For every transaction done in BabyCake token, 5% of the token is allocated to Marketing in CAKE. These tokens are swapped to CAKE in real-time to avoid dumps and build an active community for the token. 

Token Metrics (Tokenomics)

The tokenomics of the BabyCake token ecosystem is known as the Token metrics. For example, the token has a fair launched with Zero Bots; the token had no private sale, no pre-sale, and no whitelist.


BabyCake token is a token with lots of possibilities for investing, and this is possible; going through the idea of the project and its partnership and links with pancakeSwap gives it more credence of present and future growth. 


*Trading and investing in crypto tokens and their likes is entirely your decision, and this article is in no way financial advice or guidance; hence do your due diligence before making any investment of any amount in crypto tokens.*

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