How To Add Multiple Photos To Facebook Story

While the features of Facebook and Messenger stories differ, posting on one of them automatically publishes on the other. This saves us the hassle of re-posting it on the other platform. But what if you want to supplement your story with a second photo or video? What is the best way to accomplish this?

You’ve come to the correct location. We’ll show you how to add a second photo or video to your Facebook or Messenger story in this article.

Let’s get this party started.


There are three ways to accomplish this.

The first method is to use the Add to Story button

After adding the first photo or video to your story, return to the Facebook app’s home screen. You’ll notice that the old Add to Story button hasn’t vanished. Tap it to upload a second photo and publish it the same way as the first. Similarly, if you wish to add more, repeat the process.

How To Add Multiple Photos To Facebook Story
How To Add Multiple Photos To Facebook Story

Method 2: Use the Add Button from a Published Story to Add Multiple Photos To Facebook Story

If you want to add extra images to your published story while watching it, Facebook allows you to do so.

Go to the Facebook home screen and touch on Your Story to access the published story. Then, tap the Add button at the bottom of the published story.

Notice the Highlight icon in the screenshot above? You can generate highlights on Facebook in the same way you can on Instagram.
By pressing the gallery/camera roll icon adjacent to the camera shutter button, you can take a new photo, upload an old one, and then publish it.

Method 3: Use the Facebook Camera

Using the Facebook camera is another technique to submit more stories. To do so, go to the top-left corner of the Facebook app and tap the camera symbol. Here, you may take a new photo or choose one from the gallery to enhance. Then either hit the Share To option followed by Your Narrative to share it directly to your story or the Share To option followed by Your Story (on the next screen).

Add Multiple Photos To FACEBOOK STORY Using  PC & Desktop

For desktops and laptops, there are two options.

Method 1: Rely on Your Narrative

Click the Your Story option on the Facebook website. That will take you to the story you just published. You can find the Add to your Story button on the published story. Select it by clicking on it.

You’ll be taken to the Create post-pop-up on Facebook. After that, upload a photo and click the Share option. Instead of the News Feed, make sure Your article is selected.

Method 2: Add Multiple Photos To Facebook Fb And Messenger Story

From the Create Post Box menu, select Add.
You can also add several stories without accessing your already published story. Click on the status box or the ‘Write something here’ area. There will be a pop-up window. Now select the Your Story option and add a photo. After that, press the Share button. If you select Newsfeed, Facebook will post it to your timeline. So be cautious.

You can use this way to add numerous photographs to your tale simultaneously. To do so, select numerous photos instead of just one or click the plus (+) icon next to the image you’ve chosen.


Here are two ways to publish multiple stories from the Messenger app if you use Messenger to add stories to Facebook and Messenger.

Method 1: Rely on Your Narrative

When you launch Facebook Messenger, you’ll see a Your Story option with a plus sign, regardless of whether you’ve published your first story on Facebook or Messenger. It would help if you tapped it. Then press the camera button to take a new photo or choose one from your library. Finally, make it public.

Method 2: Make use of the Messenger Camera

Go to your phone’s Messenger app and tap the camera button at the top. Upload and publish your story as usual.

Where Do I Go To See Multiple Stories?

When you add multiple stories to Facebook or Messenger, they all play like a slideshow in the order you added them. You can’t change their order after they’ve been published right now. To go to the next story, tap on the right edge of the screen to fast forward the story. You can access the previous story by tapping the left border.

Add The Facebook Camera Shortcut To Your Home Screen

How To Add Multiple Photos To Facebook Story
How To Add Multiple Photos To Facebook Story

If you enjoy the effects and filters given by the Facebook camera, you can add a shortcut to it on your phone’s home screen for quick access.

To do so, take the following steps:

  •  Go to your phone’s app store and download the Facebook app.
  •  In the top-left corner, tap the camera icon. Then, at the top, click the settings icon.
  • Select Add Camera Shortcut from the drop-down menu. There will be a popup. To confirm, tap Ok.
  • Return to your phone’s home screen now.
  • You can find the Camera app there. To use it, tap it. It allows you to upload photos straight to your feed and narrative and store them on your phone.

Change The Privacy Settings On Your Facebook Story

Follow these steps to modify the audience for your Facebook story:

  1. Tap the three-bar icon at the top of the Facebook app.
  2. From the menu, choose Settings & Privacy, then Settings.
  3. Please scroll down to Story Settings and tap it. Select Story Privacy and the audience you want to share your story with.

More Features Are Desired

Unlike Instagram, which has a native means to add several photographs to a story, Facebook and Messenger’s mobile apps don’t have that capability. I’d love to have the feature because I primarily use apps to post my stories.

Aside from the negative aspects, Facebook and Messenger both have interesting characteristics in their tales. Messenger tales, for example, among other things, allow you to apply face filters to old photos.

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