Inksnation Login Protal and Review

Introduction to Inks Nation Inksnation portal Login and Review

Inks nation is a platform set up to eradicate poverty in Nigeria and the world. It was founded to help human beings by using the InksLedger blockchain to supply human assets.

Many people know about this great idea invented by Omotade Sparks Amos Sewanu, but some don’t understand.

This article will clear your doubt on inksnation by explaining more about what it means, how to use it, providing more information on how to access its portal, and giving you some basic processes for benefiting from it as an exchanger merchant and as an end-user. So let move on to learn more about inksnation.

Inksnation Portal Login

The inksnation portal gives you access to your dashboard and other available features. If you already have signed up on their portal, follow the guide below:

Inksnation portal Login and Review

  • Visit inksnation official website
  • Click the login section if you already have an account with them.
  • Input your username and password.
  • Click the Submit button to confirm if your username and password are correct.

Immediately you submit the required info, your dashboard will pop up.

How To Register On Inksnation

To become a member of Inksnation, the instructions below will show you how to set up and activate your account.

Inksnation portal Login and Review

  • Visit the inksnation website to sign up for a new account.
  • Select your registration plan and fill the form with the required details.
  • Once successful, contact or visit a verified Exchanger to activate your account.

After confirmation, your account will be activated and ready to receive pinkoin every month.

How To Recover Your Inksnation Account Password

Are you unable to remember your username or password for login? Do not worry about it, as In the following section, I will provide proven methods to recover your Inksnation username and password as well as a pin.

Inksnation portal Login and Review

  • Visit website
  • Click on “Forgot Password”
  • Enter the Email address you used for creating your account when signing up
  • Click on Verify to receive a mail
  • Login to your email and click on the verification link password sent to you.
  • It will redirect you to a page where you will change your password
  • Enter the new password you want to use and click on submit button.
  • After then you will be redirected to the login page to sign in.

How To Verify Inksnation Account

There are two ways to verify your inksnation account, and one is meant for exchangers while the other is for end-users.

Note: if your account is not verified as a certified exchanger, you won’t exchange for others. The same thing applies to end-users.

As an end-user, if you don’t verify your account, you won’t be able to exchange your spendable coin for naira or buy goods from merchants.

How To Verify Inksnation Account For Exchangers

Below are proven ways to verify your account as an exchanger:

  • Log in to your Inksnation’s Account
  • Click on the “KYC/AML” button close to the Living Node Reserve
  • Upload the Image of the Receipt from KoboPay
  • Upload any Valid ID card (national id, voters card, driving license, etc.)
  • Type in Your Office or Shop Address (including the postal code)
  • Input Your Local Government in the space provided.
  • Input Your Phone Number
  • After inputting the requirement above, you can now submit the form.

How to Verify Inksnation Account for End-users

Verification for inksnation end users is not hard like that of the exchangers. To verify your account successfully, all you need is to follow the step listed below.

  • Log in to your account
  • Select the KYC/AML button
  • Then select the state you live in after this, the list of certified exchangers within your environment will pop up.
  • Then visit the verified exchanger close to you for verification.

How to Become a Verified Inksnation MERCHANT

Merchants are individuals who offer goods and services in exchange for pinkoin.

Merchant is suitable to use the atm card provided by inksnation to liquidate their pinkoin and withdraw it at any ATM gallery globally.

Any business is allowed; for instance, a tailor, petrol stations, school, photographers, boutique, and many more can become a merchant if they are interested in exchanging their goods and services using pinkoin. Procedure on how to become a merchant include:

  • Get the form on inks nation telegram channel or WhatsApp.
  • Fill in your details on the form (full name, business name, email, guarantor name and details, gsm no, city, state, and country)
  • Take the declaration and sign on the form.
  • Contact your state coordinator or secretary after filling the form to submit your form and be added to the group.
  • After submitting the form, your state coordinator will select a day to visit you and inspect your business so that you can be fully verified and accredited as a merchant.

How to Verify Inksnation Account with BVN

Below are step-by-step guides for verifying your inksnation account with BVN successfully:

The reason inksnation required users to verify their account with BVN is to stop users from opening multiple accounts and to allow the exchange of pinkoin into cash directly into an account at a local bank and give pinkoin the value it deserves.

What Is Inksnation?

Inksnation is a decentralized, autonomous organization (DAO), an online platform for business. Omotade Sparks Amos Sewanu founded it to establish the first digital currency in Africa called Pinkoin.

This crypto coin utilizes inksledger blockchain technology to create huge revenue paid to its members every month.

The main goal of creating this huge network is to eradicate poverty in Nigeria and the world generally.

What is Pinkoin?

PINKOIN is a Digital currency or a cryptocurrency invented by Mr. Omotade Amos, the CEO of IBSmartify Nigeria. It is a Reserve cryptocurrency coin invented by ibsmify.

Inksnation portal Login and Review

The token is the world’s first philanthropic Blockchain (InksLedger) and the world’s first charitable Trust DAO (InksNation).

Pinkoin is different from other crypto coins that depend on supply and demand. It is classified as a user base type of currency; it has nothing to do with market forces but rely on the number of user embracing it.

Therefore every single user of inksnation is called a living node.

For instance, if 180 living nodes register, the currency’s value will appreciate by 1 dollar. The price of pinkoin can not be devalued by any policy or power.

According to the founder of inksnation, pinkoin can end poverty in any country in less than 9 months, incentivizing goodness, promoting Love, Unity, Oneness, Peace, and equitable distribution of wealth.

What is Pinkard?

Pinkard is Africa’s first OR debit card invented by ibmisfy for the successful transaction of pinkoin. The card was designed for withdrawal and exchanging of goods, and it also serves as means of verification for users.

Who Is The CEO of inksnation?

Inksnation portal Login and Review

Omotade Spark Amos, also known as the Universal Daddy Ink (UDI), is the CEO and founder of inksnation.

He founded this platform with the sole aim of eradicating poverty in the nation. According to him, he said the inksnation can end poverty in a country within 9 months.

What is DRCB in Inksnation?

DRCB means Distributed Reserved Cashless Bank. DRCB is meant to purchase. According to the meaning and the information given, the DRCB section is where the 90% out of the 120,000 you receive on your wallet monthly are stored.

The DRCB cannot be withdrawn as cash like that of the spendable balance, it can only be used to exchange goods and services from a verified merchant.


The answer to this question is yes and no. Why? The reason why the answer is confusing is because of expert’s review and observation about the platform. Below is information that explains if inksnation is legit or scam:

Is Inksnation Legit?

The four concepts below indicate that inksnation is genuine and reliable.

  1. The founder reveals his face, and he is known.
  2. Some individuals (living nodes) have received their monthly money.
  3. It has a community on the telegram Facebook and Instagram.
  4. Some popular musicians sang to create awareness and promote the project.

Is Inksnation Scam?

Is inksnation a scam or Ponzi scheme? It is a question many users are asking. Based on research and an expert review, I have provided five reasons that indicate the inksnation is a scam.

  1. The website is under construction.
  2. When you visit the websites, it shows error 404/ Ubuntu instead of the normal page.
  3. The white paper that contains the technical information of the project is not downloadable.
  4. The lite paper that explains more about the inks ledger financial system (IFS-DEFI) is not downloadable.
  5. The inks node pitch deck that gives technical information about running universal, federated, and private Inksnode is not downloadable.

NOTE: If the information below is handled by inksnation, there is no way to label it a fraud unless.

Different Between Exchanger, End-user, and Merchants.

This section of this article will explain the difference between exchanger, end-user, and merchants.

EXCHANGER: they are individual that converts pinkoin to cash. They help living nodes activate their account, educate them on using the websites, and exchange their pinkoin for money whenever they need it.

END USER: they are also known as living nodes. They are the one that determines the price of pinkoin. The higher the number of living nodes, the higher the coin’s value.

End-users have nothing to do on the platform like that of an exchanger. They are only required to do the necessary things after opening their account and wait for their monthly tokens to be exchanged to naira at the exchanger office.

End users can also spend the money in their DRCB wallet by visiting approved inksnation merchants to buy goods and services.

MERCHANT: Merchants are people who volunteer to sell their products and services in exchange for pinkoin. Merchants can utilize the ATM card offered by Inksnation to let them liquidate their pinkoin and withdraw it from any ATM gallery worldwide.

Businesses and anybody adding value can become merchants such as a tailor, petrol station schools, photographers boutiques, and more can become merchants when they are keen on trading their goods and services with pinkoin.

Package and Benefit in Pinkoin

To enjoy the offer of inksnation to the fullest, there are packages prepared for all users.

These packages are categorized into three Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Among these three, bronze is the package with the lowest price, while gold has the highest price. Features of the pinkoin package include.


Pinkoin Bronze Package

  • Registration fee N1000($3)
  • Sign up bonus ( free ₦6,560,000 pinkoin grant )
  • Monthly pinkoin salary N120,000 (4342) worth of pinkoin.
  • X2 of membership of N2,000 ($6).
  • N4000($11) daily for life.

Pinkoin Silver Package

  • Registration fee N10,000($30)
  • Sign up bonus ( free N12,480,000 pinkoin grant)
  • Monthly pinkoin salary N180,000 ($514) worth of pinkoin
  • X2 of membership N20,000 ($57)
  • N6000($17) daily for life.

Pinkoin Gold Package

  • Registration fee N100,000($300)
  • Sign up bonus ( free N101,100,000 pinkoin grant)
  • Monthly pinkoin salary N180,000 ($514) worth of pinkoin
  • X2 of membership N200,000 ($571)
  • N8000($23) daily for life.

How to Convert Pinkoin to Naira?

You need to follow procedures when trying to convert your pinkoin to naira. For instance, if you want to convert your pinkoin to real naira, you must have a Pinkard (ATM), a verified account, and enough token.

Note: your account must be verified before you start withdrawing money. The minimum token you can withdraw from your monthly token is 10%. The 90% left will be moved to your DRCB automatically.

  1. Firstly, you need to verify your account after Locating a verified and trusted pinkoin exchanger to convert your pinkoin to naira. When you find one, you can now proceed to the next step.
  2. Login to your inksnation account via the inksnation website
  3. Click on spendable on the menu
  4. Then click to exchange your spendable
  6. Add your exchanger wallet into the section
  7. Input the amount you want to withdraw/exchange to naira
  8. Input your pin and send

Immediately the exchanger is credited, you can collect your cash.

Pinkoin Withdrawal Limit.

The minimum amount of pinkoin you can withdraw each month on your wallet is 10%.

How does it work? According to inksnation, 120,000 worth of pinkoin will be added to all member’s accounts each month. out of this money, users can withdraw 10%, which is 12,000 as cash, while the remaining 90% will be moved to your DRCB. is spendable for

Inksnation International Address and Contact Info

Did you have a question? Or did you encounter an issue regarding your account? Please check the following address for the closest office to you.


No. 19, Posukoh Quarters,

via, Joseph Dosu Way,


Tel: +234 817 922 1947


Calle Hernan Cortes

No. 9 p01 dr 35600 l.p

Grancanaria Las Palmas Spain

Tel: +34632406678


Usterstrasse 65g 8620 Wetzikon

Zurich Switzerland

Tel: +41778146714





Tel: +35677379446


Madhab, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates.

PO BOX. 621

Tel: +971543391629


No.1 AL Wadi Jedeed Street AL Haramain Tower

Off Zaharaa Nasr City Cairo Egypt

Tel: +20115522579268

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Pinkard Used For?

Insknation Pinkard is a QR debit card that is offered to registered and verified Inksnation members. The Pinkard can be used to purchase, withdraw cash out from an Inksnation machine, and also to sign up new members on Inksnation.

Exchangers are accredited to use the card to finalize registration for new users and use it to perform swift transactions.

What is the Spendable Balance in Inksnation?

The spendable balance in inksnation is the 10% salary that drops into your wallet every month. The amount of the spendable balance depends on the package you registered for.

For instance, if you register for the bronze package, which is N1000, you will receive the sum of 12,000 as 10% out of the 120,000 given to you. The remaining 90% will automatically move to DRCB.

Is it Compulsory to Print my Pinkard Now?

Yes! Users are beseeched to print their Pinkard to avoid disturbance when trying to withdraw and make it available to receive goods from the merchant.

How do you Get Paid on InksNation?

All you have to do to be paid through inksnation is to sign up, activate your account, print your Pinkard, and then wait for your monthly spendable funds.


The benefits of inksnation, its legibility, as well as its significance are the subject of our discussion above. At this point, you should be able to set up an account, active it, and reset your username, password, and pin if you forget it. You are welcome to read the article again for a better understanding. You can always use the comment section beneath to inquire about the question you didn’t see.

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