Top 10 Most Corrupt Countries In Africa 2023

Most Corrupt Countries In Africa: The 2022 reports from Transparency International on Africa’s corruption index is quite detailed and the opposite of encouraging, especially that of Sub-Saharan Africa. The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) of many countries rise and fall in the face of various factors including the coronavirus pandemic and economice decline.

Burundi, Seychelles, Nigeria, Cameroun, Kenya, Cape Verde, Lesotho, the Gambia, Djibouti, Ghana, Angola, Ethiopia, Liberia, and other nations that are located south of the Sahara desert are included in the sub-Saharan region of Africa. They have the lowest Corruption Perception Index across all of Africa, are showing little to no change, and urgent action is required.

The COVID-19 exposed more corruption flaws in the system and brought about a new wave of economic misery. Lockdown orders forced people to remain at home, but the very inadequate healthcare systems in existence prevented everyone who was ill or infected from receiving the necessary care.

In summary, the lower the CPI, the more corrupt a country is, and vice versa. Analysis from Transparency International puts Sub-Saharan Africa as the most corrupt region in the world with an average CPI of 33.

This shows us that the most corrupt countries in Africa are among the most corrupt countries worldwide.

This article provides you with the ten most corrupt countries in Africa by CPI.

10. Chad

Chad takes 10th place in the list of the most corrupt countries in Africa, with a CPI of 20.

This Central African country lies neck-deep in bribery, nepotism, favoritism, and tribalism, among other vices. Electoral fraud in all its forms is also characteristic of the country’s governmental structure.

In addition to security issues made worse by insurgency, Chad is also pervaded by corruption. Its economy suffers a huge blow as a result, and the rule of law is barely enforceable. Many people act in a corrupt light, in a way that suggests that they are above the way.

The executive arm tightly controls the judicial arm of the country’s government. So the country’s leaders can rule as they please without any consequence.

Corrupt practices are also rife in public service institutions at all levels.

9. Zimbabwe

On the 9th place, we have the Republic of Zimbabwe. Research has shown that Zimbabwe is one of the countries that has the highest rate of corruption in Africa since she gained her independence till today. According to Transparency International, Zimbabwe losses over $5,000,000 everyday because of the high rate of corruption in her public sector.

There has also been reports of unaccountability of many public heads for money which were supposed to be for public use. Government of the country has also passed many laws in other to benefit themselves rather than the country at large. For example, the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Bill.

Of course, there are also several government agencies that was put in place to stop corruption but they all seem not to be working. For example, the Zimbabwean Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) actually has little or no power to stop corruption in the country.

8. South Africa

In South Africa, the term “corruption” refers to the illegal use of public resources for personal gain, including bribery and unlawful favors. South Africa received a score of 43 out of 100 in the 2017 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, placing it 71st out of 180 nations. Both a high score and a low rating demonstrate that citizens have faith in the government of the nation. South Africa has improved little and was rated 70th out of 180 nations in 2023 with a score of 44.

Despite a robust anti-corruption framework, laws are not always upheld in South Africa, and accountability in public sectors like healthcare is still lacking. Internal sanctions have also been used to discourage whistleblowers from reporting corrupt practices in both the public and private sectors.

7. Nigeria

In Nigeria, corruption is a persistent problem. According to estimates from 2012, Nigeria has lost more than $400 billion to corruption since becoming independent. South Sudan, which was listed at 180th on the Corruption Index for 2023, was the most corrupt nation, while Denmark had the lowest level of corruption. Due to their ties to Nigeria’s oil and gas sectors, politicians in that country enjoy positions of authority and money.

About 90% of all export earnings from Nigeria come from the sale of oil and gas.

These industries, which receive tax dollars from the energy sector, are under the ownership of many politicians. Every aspect of the Nigerian administration is corrupt. It is claimed that corruption within the state machinery costs the nation billions of dollars annually.

This corruption ranges from significant contract fraud at the top to small-scale bribery, criminal enterprises, embezzlement, and snatching salaries from employees.

6. Democratic Republic of Congo

This Central African country ranks #6 among the most corrupt countries in Africa. Analysis from Transparency International gives it a CPI of 19.

DR Congo is a country that seems to thrive on oppression and suppression, especially of those who speak out against the corrupt asutem or take measures to curtail it. The democratic system in place is rather frail and doesn’t challenge the corrupt whims of politicians in the country.

The country’s internal security is also in jeopardy, as it is not in control of it’s own armed forces. There’s a constant struggle for control and power tussle between the country’s already depleted forces and local militia both within and along its borders.

5. Sudan

Sudan is on the list of most corrupt African countries because of the profound permeation of corruption in nearly all sectors of the country, particularly the economic sector. The corruption in the country also reigns in the political realm where authorities abuse their powers and favoritism is the order of the day.

The country’s sectors are pervaded by corrupt practices, including abuse of power, bribery, and nepotism, among many others.

Grand-scale fraud and embezzlement of public funds are characteristic of almost every governmental and institutional position.

4. Equatorial Guinea

Reports have it that the corruption control in Equatorial Guinea is incredibly low. The citizens no longer have faith in the ability and performance of the public officials. This is because these authorities only work for their own public benefits.

This country has a lot of natural resources, yet its citizens live in some of the worst conditions on Earth. All because a small group of influential individuals controls the wealth.

3. Libya

This North African country occupies 3rd place among the most corrupt countries in Africa. The analysis puts its CPI at 17.

The country is rife with political unrest and instability bordering on collapse. Some metrics categorize Libya as a failed state already. 

Bribery, defective law enforcement, embezzling public funds, civil wars, and human rights violation is the day’s order in Libya.

Libya has a lot of natural resources in high demand. But its leaders loot all the country’s wealth with impunity, and nobody to keep their actions in check.

2. South Sudan

South Sudan ranks as the #1 most corrupt country in Africa with a CPI of 11. It is also the #2 most corrupt country in the world, having the lowest recorded CPI so far.

It is also among the most dangerous countries to live in, the worst countries in the world, among other negative categories.

Leaders create an environment conducive to looting public funds, embezzling, and money laundering with impunity. A failed judiciary and defective law enforcement make for zero accountability.

Despite its rich natural resources, citizens live in abject poverty as the corrupt elite controls the wealth.

1. Somalia

Somalia tops the list of the most corrupt countries in Africa. This East African country has a CPI of 13.

The levels of corruption in Somalia are near astronomical. No accountability whatsoever in the expenditure of public funds by government leaders.

Insecurity is a leading issue, too, alongside famine, drought, and the like. All these make Somalia one of the most uninhabitable countries in Africa and the world.


Corruption is toxic to any society. It undermines democratic governance and casts a negative light on any country where it is prevalent.

Even though it eats deep into the fabric of any society, it can be eradicated. This would necessitate citizen cooperation and responsibility, as well as accountability on the part of leaders.

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